Thursday, March 23, 2006

Pre-Ride Blog: Michael Loftus

As I prepare for what I'm sure will be another great ride, I feel obliged to share a tip most often neglected. In packing for such a journey, so many people concentrate on clothes, bathroom toiletries, books, ipods. repair kits etc. And yet, once out there, it dawns on them the perhaps the most important thing has been left at home; I speak of course, of excuses!
Imagine yourself out on a beautiful day, you get a bit tired, and want an excuse to slow down. But.. you forgot your excuses at home, or back in the hotel. Trying to ride without any excuses is simply not fun. Yes, you can borrow an excuse from some other rider but often the excuse just doesn't fit. For example, the `I'm too old' excuse just doesn't look good on everybody. The `I'm not in shape' wont fit many people. So, when packing, always remember to bring plenty of excuses, generic ones, personal ones, good solid ones that can be used and reused.

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