Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Ballad of the Coming of the Messiah

The Ballad of the Coming of the Messiah
By Yotam Avi Zohar
(translated by Ayala Miron)

Mr Messiah wants to come to Jerusalem soon
But he's rather undecided about what type of transportation to use

What do you think about a white donkey?
That's old-fashioned and he is pretty stubborn

Many people use cars, only to get stuck in traffic jams and look for parking spots

Then maybe a bus, that causes pollution, makes noise, and is really not expedient

Then maybe the light train,
But that will only be relevant years after the coming of the messiah

"I want," said the messiah with a twinkle in his eye, "I want in this city a network of bicycle paths; Safely and soundly I will be able to peddle without traffic jams, pollution and noise motos.

So in order to help the messiah come to Yerushalayim,
please help us here to organize some bike paths for ofanayim

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