Friday, March 24, 2006

Pre-Ride Blog: Karen Perolman

Karen Perolman, first year Rabbinical student, NY-bound. T- 41 hours before the ride. The question at hand is, How am I feeling? Ayekah?
This year, I have answered that question [where am i?] about a hundred times. I feel like we're always being asked to look back, reflect, and evaluate. So where am I now?
I'm here. In my room, in Jerusalem. A year ago, I had just been accepted. In 2 1/2 months I'm moving back to the states. Its a funny place to be in. But I'm good- I'm about to do something really challenging, something that a year ago I could enver have pictured myself doing.
I'm feeling good. I'm in the best shape that I can remember, for a long time, and I hope that my body is physically ready to handle this. I don't know that I trained enough, or in the right way, but nonetheless, I'm feeling good. However, one's physical abilities are often linked with mental focus and self confidence. Mentally I am feeling kind of scared and nervous about what I'm about to take on. I'm excited to meet the other riders and to see what all of our time and money is going to. I'm excited and proud to be doing something for the IMPJ-- a cause that I really support.

I love the feeling of riding and being so awed by the nature- the mountains, the green, the trees-- all of it. Riding my bike in Israel makes me fall in love all over again with this land, and in turn makes me fall in love with what I want to do with my life. I'm really looking forward to the stillness of the mornings and the sense of anticipation that I know I'll feel.

I know that I'm going to be sore, and that I'll hurt here and there. But I'm prepared with my bike shorts, comfy socks, special food bandaids, lots of ibprofin and my cool new bike helmet. So even if I'm super sore, I'll still look cute.
I feel the need to add a word of Torah here-- this Shabbat we conclude the book of Shmot, and thus, begin the book of Vayikrah. When we conclude the reading of a book we say "Chazak, Chakaz, V'nitchazek"- Be strong, be strong and you will be strengethed. I think that's my motivation. I'll be strong, you be strong, and together we'll strengthen ourselves and each other enough to keep riding past the pain, past the mental blocks and all the way up the hill until we see the words "Bruchim HaBaim" and then we'll know we've made it.


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