Thursday, March 15, 2007

And...another ride begins

We've remained connected to last year's ride, but it with great enthusiasm and pleasure that I welcome reader's to join us on a journey for the 4th Annual Riding4Reform. We hope that you will join on a journey, as we take Israel by bike, March 18 - 22, 2007.

54 Riders from Israel and North America are descending upon Jerusalem, as we speak, getting ready to mount their bikes for a 5 day ride that will cover 221 miles of Eretz Yisrael while all along the way raising monday to support the Progressive Jewish movement in Israel. The dollars raised from this ride will go to support Progressive Judaism, communities and education in the Jewish homeland and will help to make a statement that within the fabric of this country, there needs to exist different ways to express Judaism and to be a Jew in the 21st century.

Each day we will update this blog with thoughts from the riders, an overview of the road travelled for the day and any other thoughts and pictures we might be able to share as we bring you along with us. Please show your support by checking in on the riders and hearing their experience along the way.

These 5 days are sure to be exciting and challenging. There is an incredible group of people coming together to ride as a team in support of Progressive Judaism. We hope you will be our cheerleaders along the way.

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