Monday, March 19, 2007

Day 2 - All is well, except the computer

Just a short note to let you know that all is well. We arrived in Bet Sha'an this afternoon around 4 pm. All 54 riders are doing great. Today they headed north along the Jordanian/Israeli border. The timing of this year's rainfall allowed for the landscape to be dressed with wildflowers of red, yellow, orange and purple. Over the course of 7.5 hours the bikers covered about 68 miles of moderate terrain, although a gradual uphill that by the end of the day made completion all the more satisfying.

Unfortunately, the only injury we are dealing with right now is that of the computer that allows us to connect to internet when there is none, like our current location. We have a new charger on its way form Jerusalem tomorrow so we will be able to allowf or multiple riders and stories to be shared. Thanks for bearing with us, and know that a broken charger is better than anything else being broken.

All is well, spirits are high and everyone is rearing to go for day three...

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